2053 Woodbridge Ave. Edison, NJ 08817

Ken is a NJ trial attorney who has published 130 articles in national and New Jersey publications on litigation topics. He has been selected to write the new ABA book: DUI and Drug Possession Defense".

Friday, August 28, 2015

Lake Como Ordinance Violations

Lake Como Ordinance Violations
The Borough of Lake Como has adopted several of its own regulations, termed ordinances that are designed to target improper behavior. The following are the related ordinances:
3-3.2   Prohibited in Public Places. It shall be unlawful for any person to change, disrobe, dress or undress or otherwise remove his clothing in any of the public streets or places of the Borough.
3-4.2   Failure to Obey the Orders of a Police Officer. Whenever any Police Officer shall, in the exercise of reasonable judgment, decide that the presence of any person in any public place is causing or is likely to cause any of the conditions enumerated in subsection 3-4.1, the Officer may, if he deems it necessary for the preservation of the public peace and safety, order that person to leave that place. Any person who shall refuse to leave after being ordered to do so by a Police Officer shall be guilty of a violation of this section.
3-4.3   Offensive Language. No person shall indulge in and utter loud, common, offensive, indecent or profane language, or address or make audible any offensive remarks or comments upon or to any person passing along or being on or in any public conveyance, highway, or public place.
3-4.4   Interference. No person shall annoy, obstruct or interfere with any person lawfully being on any street, or other public place or conveyance.
3-4.5   Fighting. No person shall revel, quarrel, brawl or otherwise misbehave in a disorderly manner to disturb the public peace and quiet, or be guilty of any other disorderly conduct in or on a street or public place.
3-4.7   Indecent Behavior: Urinating or Defecating in Public. No person shall exhibit him or herself in any indecent, immodest, obscene or vulgar manner where a person’s genitals may be exposed to public view, nor shall any person make any indecent or lewd exposure of themselves or action any immodest, indecent or lewd manner or utter lewd or indecent words. No person shall urinate or defecate or attempt to urinate or defecate, nor shall any person expose their genitals for the purpose of urinating or defecating nor shall any person expose their genitals for the purpose of urinating or defecating in any public street, sidewalk, public grounds, semi-public grounds or on any private property not specifically designed as a lavatory, properly enclosed from public view and designed for the purpose of urinating or defecating.


Noise Violation
Urinate In Public
Loud Stereo In Public
Alcohol In Public
Disorderly Conduct / Fighting
Sleeping In Vehicle
Beach Badge
$  80.00
Enter At Gates Only
Liquor On Beach