2053 Woodbridge Ave. Edison, NJ 08817

Ken is a NJ trial attorney who has published 130 articles in national and New Jersey publications on litigation topics. He has been selected to write the new ABA book: DUI and Drug Possession Defense".

Monday, December 03, 2018

Drug Recognition Evaluator (DRE)

Drug Recognition Evaluator (DRE) 
A Drug Recognition Evaluator (DRE) is a police officer who claims they  can recognize whether someone is on drugs, what kind of drugs they are  on, and whether their ability to drive has been impaired. The theory of  the DRE is that they claim to be able to determine whether someone is  under the influence of drugs through a visual evaluation. Lawyers  Weekly USA , "Growing New Practice Area for Drunk Driving Lawyers" dated  September 20, 1999, p. 19.  There are few Appellate courts that have called them experts.
      DREs frequently administer their tests when someone is arrested for  drunk driving, but passes a breath test. The DRE's testimony may  provide better evidence for the prosecution than toxicology reports.  Blood tests may not measure the quantity of drugs taken and, even if  they do, may not show a level high enough to prove impairment. Urine  tests do not accurately pinpoint when the drugs were ingested and may  not show the quantity. Therefore blood and urine tests alone may not be  sufficient to prove the person was affected by drugs when they were  driving. The DRE argues they can provide the link between the  toxicology report and the Driving Under the Influence charge. The DRE  offers testimony that the defendant failed the physical tests  administered by the DRE, showing that the defendant may be impaired by  the drugs in his system. Lawyers Weekly USA , "Growing New Practice  Area for Drunk Driving Lawyers" dated September 20, 1999, p. 20.  The DRE advises that their examination of the suspect is broken into 5  parts:   1. Coordination tests.  The suspect must perform the "walk and turn," "one leg stand," "finger  to nose," and "Romberg balance" test (where he must estimate when 30  seconds have passed while standing with his head tilted back and his  eyes closed).
 2. Eye tests.  The DRE checks the suspect's pupil size under various lighting  conditions. He checks for "horizontal gaze nystagmus" where the eyes  twitch when looking off to the side and "vertical nystagmus" where the  eyes twitch when looking up. The DRE also checks to see if the eyes  cross normally when looking down at the nose.
 3. Vital signs.  The DRE measures the suspect's pulse, temperature and blood pressure.
 4. Muscle tone.  The DRE feels the suspects arm muscles to see if the are loose and  rubbery or tense.
 5. Visual inspection.  The DRE inspects the suspect’s mouth and nose for signs of drug  ingestion, the presence of drug debris and discoloration. The DRE   checks the suspect's arms for needle marks. Lawyers Weekly USA ,   "Growing New Practice Area for Drunk Driving Lawyers" dated September   20, 1999, p. 20.
 The DRE determines whether the results of the exam performed on the  suspect match symptoms associated with 7 drug classes. The drug classes  used are central nervous system (CNS) depressants, CNS stimulants,  hallucinogens, phencyclidine, narcotic analgesics, inhalants, and  cannabis. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, "Laboratory Validation Study  of Drug Evaluation and Classification Program: Ethanol, Cocaine, and  Marijuana", Vol. 20, October 1996, p. 468. For example, a person on a  depressant should have normal pupils, but twitching eyes on the   nystagmus tests, a slow pulse rate, low blood pressure, drowsiness, and   slurred speech. Persons on cannabis should have dilated pupils, no eye   twitching, a high pulse rate and blood pressure, their eyes may not  cross normally when they look down their nose, and they may have  disorientation. The DRE also interviews the arresting officer, reviews  the breathalyzer results and asks the suspect if he has been using  drugs. Finally, the DRE concludes whether the suspect is behaviorally  impaired, if the impairment is drug-related, and the drug class or   combination of classes likely to be causing the impairment. Lawyers  Weekly USA , "Growing New Practice Area for Drunk Driving Lawyers" dated   September 20, 1999, p. 20.
 Drug Recognition Experts are Not Recognized by New Jersey Courts  There is no decision from the New Jersey Supreme Court recognizing the  reliability of DRE testimony as proof of driving under the influence.  The written opinions which permit the admission of DRE testimony either  say the evidence is "non-scientific" or do not address this issue.  However, the recent U.S. Supreme Court case, Kumho Tire Co. v.  Carmichael, 119 S.Ct. 1167 (1999), extends the Daubert screening test    for expert testimony to "non-scientific" testimony. Therefore, if the N.J. Supreme Court adopts Kumho, the DRE's testimony would not qualify  as reliable evidence using the Daubert test. See Lawyers Weekly USA ,
 "Growing New Practice Area for Drunk Driving Lawyers" dated September  20, 1999, p. 20.
source  Lawyers  Weekly USA
Kenneth Vercammen Esq. 732-572-0500 
2053 Woodbridge Ave. Edison, NJ 08817