17:29A-35.1 Surcharge debts of driver extinguished upon death.
Notwithstanding the provisions or any law, rule or regulation to the contrary, upon the death of a driver on whom surcharges have been levied by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission pursuant to section 6 of P.L.1983, c.65 (C.17:29A-35), any debt established by the imposition of those surcharges is extinguished and the commission, or any agent or representative thereof, shall cease to seek payment of that debt.
Whenever the division is unable to obtain a death certificate from a person representing the estate of any driver on whom surcharges have been levied and who was a resident of the State, the commission shall obtain a copy of the death certificate by contacting the State registrar of vital statistics in the Department of Health and, in these cases, the commission shall not require the estate of the driver to furnish a death certificate.