2053 Woodbridge Ave. Edison, NJ 08817

Ken is a NJ trial attorney who has published 130 articles in national and New Jersey publications on litigation topics. He has been selected to write the new ABA book: DUI and Drug Possession Defense".

Thursday, October 21, 2021




The Supreme Court by Order dated July 1, 2021 provided for the dismissal, vacating, and expungement of certain marijuana and hashish cases involving offenses enumerated in the Marijuana Decriminalization Law, L. 2021, c. 19 (codified in relevant part at N.J.S.A. 2C:35-23.1 and N.J.S.A. 2C:52-6.1). Approximately 360,000 cases in the Superior Court (Criminal and Family) and in the Municipal Courts have been expunged from court case management systems.

The Court in that Order required the Administrative Director of the Courts to develop and announce a process that will allow individuals to inquire as to whether their particular case has been expunged pursuant to the provisions of that order and to receive a certification confirming the expungement of their court record. Directive #24-21, issued today and published with this notice, sets out that process in detail.

Dated: August 27, 2021


Glenn A. Grant, J.A.D.
Acting Administrative Director of the Courts



Office of the Courts

Directive #24-21


Criminal/Family/Municipal – Expungements – Requests for Copies of Expunged or Sealed Records; Certification of Automatic Expungement

The purpose of this directive is to promulgate procedures to be used when individuals or their attorneys are seeking to obtain copies of the individual’s own expunged or sealed records or seeking a certification that their case has been automatically expunged pursuant to statute and/or Supreme Court Order. Individuals who are granted expungements or have had their records sealed in criminal, municipal, quasi-criminal, or juvenile delinquency matters are entitled to confirmation of those court-ordered or automated actions. Therefore, upon request and presentation of government issued photo identification, copies of an expungement order, a record indicating the case has been sealed, or a certification that the case was automatically expunged are to be provided to the individuals who are the subject of these records or their attorneys without the assessment of a fee.

In accordance with any Supreme Court Order granting automatic expungements pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:52-6 and N.J.S.A. 2C:52-6.1, an expungement order granted pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:52-15(a), or when a case is ordered sealed from public access at the time of sentencing/adjudication, the records that are the subject of the order must be removed and/or isolated. In response to third-party requests for information or records on an expunged or sealed case, the court is required to indicate that there is no record. The restricted access to expunged or sealed records mandated by N.J.S.A. 2C:52-19 applies to third-party requestors, but not to individuals seeking copies of their own expunged records or their attorneys. To ensure adherence to confidentiality requirements surrounding expunged records, the Judiciary is able to audit staff access to the case management systems and applications that house the records and that produce the certification.

The attached procedures, request form, and order are to be used to provide expunged and sealed records to the individual who is the subject of the expunged records. The request form must be completed and presented in person along with a government-issued photo identification. It should be noted that a juvenile (under age 18) must have their parent or attorney make the request for the expunged or sealed record. Requests for a Certification of Expungement submitted by an attorney on behalf of their client will be processed centrally by the Superior Court Clerk’s Office. All other requests for expunged records submitted by an attorney on behalf of their client must be processed by the court where the expungement was granted, or where the conviction or juvenile adjudication was ordered sealed from public access. As noted on the Request Form, any individual who submits a request for expunged records and who makes a false statement under affirmation may be guilty of a crime of the fourth degree pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:28-2(a).

Matters expunged or sealed upon the order of a Superior Court or Municipal Court judge will require an Order Permitting Release of Expunged or Sealed Records prior to providing the requested record. For automated expungements pursuant to a Supreme Court Order,a Certification of Expungement signed by the Superior Court Clerk of New Jersey will be provided in accordance with the attached procedures.

These procedures pertain to Superior Court and Municipal Court. Please contact Criminal Practice at (609) 815-2900 ext. 55300; Family Practice at (609) 815-2900 ext. 55350; or Municipal Court Services at (609) 815-2900 ext. 54850 with any questions concerning these procedures.

(1) Requestor Instructions for Obtaining Expunged or Sealed Records Ordered by

Superior Court or Municipal Court
(2) Court Staff Procedures for Providing Copies of Expunged or Sealed Records

Ordered by Superior Court or Municipal Court
(3) Requestor Instructions for Obtaining a Certification of Expungement by Supreme

Court Order
(4) Court Staff Procedures for Providing a Certification on Matters Expunged by

Supreme Court Order
(5) Record Request Form for an Individual to Obtain Copies of Their Own Expunged

and/or Sealed Records (CN 12830)
(6) Order Permitting the Release of Expunged or Sealed Records (CN 12831)

cc: Chief Justice Stuart Rabner Criminal Presiding Judges

For example, see the Order of the Supreme Court dated July 1, 2021 pursuant to the Marijuana Decriminalization Law.

Directive #24-21 – Expungements – Records Requests; Certifications August 16, 2021

Attachment 1

Requestor Instructions for Obtaining Expunged or Sealed Records Ordered by Superior Court or Municipal Court

Requestor Instructions for Obtaining Expunged or Sealed Records Ordered by Superior Court or Municipal Court

(1) Complete Parts A and B of the Record Request Form for an Individual to Obtain Copies of Their Own Expunged and/or Sealed Records (CN 12830) and deliver it in person during regular business hours to the Court where your expungement was granted, or where the conviction or juvenile adjudication was ordered sealed from public access. Court contact information can be found at www.njcourts.gov.

(2) When submitting your request, you must present photo identification to verify that you are the subject of the records requested. A government issued photo identification, including but not limited to a driver’s license with photo, county identification with photo, passport, is required.

(3) Requests submitted by an attorney on behalf of their client do not require a photo identification but must include the attorney’s ID number. Complete parts A and B of the Record Request Form for an Individual to Obtain Copies of Their Own Expunged and/or Sealed Records (CN 12830). Your request will be reviewed by a judge who will determine if the documents should be released. If the judge approves the request, then an order will be entered authorizing release of the documents requested. Only a judge can order release of the documents.

(4) In most instances a court hearing is not necessary. However, if there are any concerns about your request or the identification that was presented, you may be asked to appear before a judge to determine if your request should be granted.

Attachment 2

Court Staff Procedures for Providing Copies of Expunged or Sealed Records Ordered by Superior Court or Municipal Court

Court Staff Procedures for Providing Copies of Expunged or Sealed Records Ordered by Superior Court or Municipal Court

The following procedures are to be followed when individuals (or their attorneys), seek copies of their own expunged or sealed records. A juvenile (under age 18) must have their parent or attorney make the request for the expunged or sealed record.

Third-party requestors are not entitled to these records under this procedure.


Individuals seeking copies of their own expunged or sealed records shall:

  • Complete the attached Record Request Form and return it in person to the court that granted the expungement or ordered the case sealed. A directory of court addresses is available at: www.njcourts.gov.
  • Present photo identification to verify they are the subject of the records requested: A government issued photo identification, including but not limited to a driver’s license with photo, county identification with photo, passport, is required.
  • Requests submitted by an attorney on behalf of their client do not require photo ID, but the Record Request Form is required and must include the attorneys’ ID number.
  • There is no application fee, although copy fees may apply (see Directive #03-11 and Supplement to Directive #03-11 dated March 7, 2017).

Court staff shall:

  • View and record the type of photo identification document presented by the individual on the Record Request Form.
  • Verify that the individual requesting the records is the subject of the expunged or sealed records. If there is any question about the identification presented, staff should seek guidance from their Division Manager or their Criminal, Family or Municipal Court Judge.
  • If approved and the Judge has completed an Order Permitting Release of Expunged or Sealed Records (CN 12831), provide copies of the requested documents to the individual or attorney.

Attachment 3

Requestor Instructions for Obtaining a Certification of Expungement by Supreme Court Order

Requestor Instructions for Obtaining a Certification of Expungement when Ordered by the Supreme Court

1.  CompletePartsAandBoftheRecordRequestFormforanIndividualtoObtain Copies of Their Own Expunged and/or Sealed Records (CN 12830) and deliver it in person during regular business hours to the court where your matter was heard or where the charges originated. Court contact information can be found at www.njcourts.gov.

2.  Whensubmittingyourrequest,youmustpresentphotoidentificationtoverifythat you are the subject of the records requested. A government issued photo identification, including but not limited to a driver’s license with photo, county identification with photo, passport, is required.

3.  Requestssubmittedbyanattorneyonbehalfoftheirclientdonotrequirephoto ID and will be processed centrally by the Superior Court Clerk’s Office.
Complete parts A and B of the Record Request Form for an Individual to Obtain Copies of Their Own Expunged and/or Sealed Records (CN 12830) and submit it by email to 

4.  In most instances a court hearing is not necessary. However, if there are any concerns about your request or the identification that was presented, you may be asked to appear before a judge to determine if your request should be granted.

5.  AdditionalinformationconcerningcertainSupremeCourtOrdered Expungements can be found at www.njcourts.gov.

• You may also submit your request, in person, directly to the Superior Court Clerk’s Office. For more information, please contact 609-421-6100 or SCCOOmbudsman.Mbx@njcourts.gov.If you are unsure about which court handled your case, you can go to your local municipal court, the criminal or family division in any Superior Court courthouse, or the Superior Court Clerk’s Office in Trenton.

Attachment 4

Court Staff Procedures for Providing a Certification on Matters Expunged by Supreme Court Order

Court Staff Procedures for Providing a Certification on Matters Expunged by Supreme Court Order

The following procedures are to be followed when individuals (or their attorneys) seek copies of their own expunged records or a certification of expungement, and the

expungement was ordered by the Supreme Court. A juvenile (under age 18) must have their parent or attorney make the request for the expunged or sealed record.

Third party requestors are not entitled to these records under this procedure.


Individuals seeking a certification of expungement shall:

• Complete the attached Record Request Form and return it in person to the court where the charges originated, where the matter was heard or submit the request to the Superior Court Clerk’s Office.


• If an individual does not remember which court handled their case, the individual can go to their local municipal court, the criminal or family division in any Superior Court courthouse, or the Superior Court Clerk’s Office in Trenton to receive a Certification of Expungement only. If the individual is requesting any other expunged or sealed record on the case, they must go to the court where the case was disposed.

• Present photo identification to verify they are the subject of the records requested. A government issued photo identification, including but not limited to a driver’s license with photo, county identification with photo, passport, is required.

Court staff shall:

  • View and record the type of photo identification document presented by the individual on the Record Request Form.
  • Verify that the individual requesting the records is the subject of the expunged records. If there is any question about the identification presented, staff should seek guidance from their Division Manager or their Criminal, Family or Municipal Court Judge.
  • If the matter was expunged and the requestor’s documentation is verified, designated Superior Court staff or the Municipal Court Administrator or Deputy Court Administrator shall provide the Certification of Expungement generated by the automated system to the individual (or their attorney).
  • Where not verified, staff should cite the reasons for the denial on the request form.

Attachment 5

Record Request Form for an Individual to Obtain Copies of Their Own Expunged and/or Sealed Records (CN 12830)


New Jersey Judiciary – Municipal Court
Request by Defendant/Juvenile for Copies of Their Own Expunged and/or Sealed Records

Superior Court of Division:

Municipal Court of



Part A: Requestor Identification – Defendant/Juvenile

First Name Date of Birth

Address City

Middle Initial
Complaint Number/Docket Number/Accusation Number/Indictment Number

Last Name

Last 4 digits Social Security Number
State Zip Code Email Address

Home/Cellphone (Include area code)

  •   I certify that I am the subject of the documents requested. (photo ID required)

  • am the parent for the juvenile indicated above. (photo ID required)

  • , Attorney ID # __________, certify that I am the attorney for the defendant/juvenile indicated above and have been authorized by my client to request these records. (photo ID not required)

By signing below, I represent that I am a person entitled to a copy of this expunged record. I certify that the foregoing statements made by me are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to
punishment. N.J.S.A. 2C:28-2(a) provides that a person who makes a false statement under affirmation when they do not believe it to be true may be guilty of a crime of the fourth degree.

Part B: Information Requested

 Copy of Expungement Order
 Copy of Expungement Petition
 Certification of Expungement by Supreme Court Order  Copy of Sealed Record
 Other (Describe)
Certified or Exemplified Copies (extra charge if applicable)


Judiciary Use Only

Form of identification presented

Type of ID: ID #:  Court staff is unable to provide the requested record.

 Proper identification not provided.

 Requestor is not the individual who is the subject of the documents, or their attorney.  The court has no record.
 The record is not expunged or sealed.

Signature of Judiciary staff person Date

Published: 8/2021, CN 12830

Attachment 6

Order Permitting the Release of Expunged or Sealed Records (CN 12831)

State of New Jersey


Superior Court of New Jersey County of - Select County -

Municipal Court of Complaint Number/ Docket Number/ Accusation Number/ Indictment Number Expungement Number

Order Permitting Release of Expunged or Sealed Records

seeking release of:


This Matter having come before the Court upon request of

 Expungement Order
 Copy of Expungement Petition  Sealed Record

The Court being satisfied that the individual seeking the expunged or sealed records is the petitioner,

It Is on This

to: Date

Day of , 20


Ordered that a copy of the above documents shall be released .

, Judge’s Signature.

Published: 8/2021, CN 12831 



2053 Woodbridge Ave.,
Edison, NJ 08817
(Phone) 732-572-0500
(Fax)    732-572-0030 


What if I completed a Conditional Discharge program or sentence on only one of the pot eligible offenses ?

 What if I completed a Conditional Discharge program or sentence on only one of the pot eligible offenses ?

·       Any remaining sentence, juvenile disposition, ongoing supervision, associated violation of probation, or unpaid court-ordered costs, including civil judgments for non-payment, will be cancelled.

·       The case will be expunged.

·       Any active arrest warrant related to a failure to appear in that case will be cancelled.

·       Any court-ordered drivers’ license suspensions or revocations for failure to appear in court that are related to this case will be cancelled. Note that you must contact the Motor Vehicle Commission to have the license restored.

Source https://www.njcourts.gov/marihashexpunge.html

Q. Should I get a lawyer?

The court system can be confusing. It is a good idea to get a lawyer if you choose to file a motion. 

It would not be a good idea to try to do your own electrical work or your own plumbing work unless you know what you are doing.

Source Expungement of Certain Marijuana or Hashish Cases

What if I am already serving a sentence only on one of the pot eligible offenses ?

 What if I am already serving a sentence only on one of the pot eligible offenses  ?

·       Anyone incarcerated or in detention because of the offenses listed above was released.

·       Any term of probation, parole, or other community supervision ended.

·       Any unpaid court-ordered payments, including civil judgments for non-payment, were cancelled.

·       The case was dismissed and expunged.

·       Any active arrest warrant related to a failure to appear in that case was cancelled.

·       Any violations of probation or violations of pretrial monitoring was cancelled.

·       Any court-ordered drivers’ license suspensions or revocations for failure to appear in court that are related to this case will be cancelled. Note that you must contact the Motor Vehicle Commission to have the license restored. Source https://www.njcourts.gov/marihashexpunge.html

What if my eligible case was decided, but the sentence or juvenile disposition has not happened yet?

 What if my eligible case was decided, but the sentence or juvenile disposition has not happened yet?

·       There will be no sentencing or juvenile disposition and the case will be dismissed.

·       The case will also be expunged (removed from your criminal record).

·       Any active arrest warrant related to a failure to appear in that case will be cancelled.

·       Any violations of probation or violations of pretrial monitoring will be cancelled.

·       Any court-ordered drivers’ license suspensions or revocations for failure to appear in court related to that case will be cancelled. Note that you must contact the Motor Vehicle Commission to have the license restored. Source https://www.njcourts.gov/marihashexpunge.html

What if my marijuana or hashish case is still pending?

 What if my marijuana or hashish case is still pending?

       If your eligible marijuana or hashish case includes only the charges listed above and is pending: 

·       The case will be dismissed and expunged (removed from your criminal record).

·       Any active arrest warrant related to that case will be cancelled.

·       Any violations of probation or violations of pretrial monitoring will be cancelled.

·       Any court-ordered drivers’ license suspensions or revocations for failure to appear in court will be cancelled. Note that you must contact the Motor Vehicle Commission to have the license restored. Source https://www.njcourts.gov/marihashexpunge.html

What if I don’t remember where my marijuana or hashish case was heard?

 What if I don’t remember where my marijuana or hashish case was heard?

         Look at the paperwork from your marijuana or hashish case. If you cannot find any papers, you can still find where the case was heard.

·       If your case was heard in Superior Court, start at the Superior Court courthouse in the county where you were arrested or charged. If you were an adult, go to the criminal division. If you were charged as a juvenile, go to the family division.

·       If your case was heard in municipal court, start at the municipal court in the town where you were arrested or charged.

·       If you do not remember which court handled your case, you can do one of these things: 

o   Go to your local municipal court.

o   Go to the Superior Court courthouse in your county.

o   Go to the Superior Court Clerk's Office in Trenton.

·       In all instances, call the court for instructions before you go. You will need to bring photo identification.

Expungement information will be released to the defendant or the defendant’s attorney only.  Source https://www.njcourts.gov/marihashexpunge.html

Why are these marijuana and hashish records being cleared?

 Why are these marijuana and hashish records being cleared?

The goal of the law is to clear the record of anyone who was charged or convicted of certain marijuana or hashish offenses before recreational use of marijuana and hashish was legalized. People usually must include information about their criminal or delinquency record when they seek a job, housing, or school admission. This information can hurt their chances of being hired, housed, or educated.  Source https://www.njcourts.gov/marihashexpunge.html

What is the difference between a dismissal and an expungement?

 What is the difference between a dismissal and an expungement?

       In dismissed cases, the charges are dropped, but there still is a public record of the case.

In expunged cases, the entire case is removed from the public record. It cannot be found in any public database maintained by the Judiciary and it cannot be disclosed by court staff. [The case still exists on the court and police database for limited reasons]

Source https://www.njcourts.gov/marihashexpunge.html

How to file a Motion with the Court to Review Your Case

 How to file a Motion with the Court to Review Your Case

      If you think that your case should have been considered for expungement under the new law, but it was not, you can file a motion for judicial review. Please read the directive to get instructions on where to file. 

Complete the Motion for Judicial Review form

You can submit the form electronically or bring it to the court where your case was heard. Source https://www.njcourts.gov/marihashexpunge.html

How to Confirm If a Pot Case Was Expunged and Receive a Certification

       How to Confirm If a Pot Case Was Expunged and Receive a Certification

    You can go to the court where your case was heard to confirm that your record was cleared and receive a certification. Find more details in Directive #24-21.

Confirmation must be requested in person. You will need to bring identification. Call the court in advance to find out where and when to go.

·       Find municipal court contact information.

·       Find criminal court contact information.

·       Find family court contact information.

You can call your local ombudsman for guidance on reaching the right office. 

You can also get confirmation and a certification by going to the Superior Court Clerk’s Office in Trenton. Call 609-421-6100 for more information.